It’s certainly a divisive topic, but in recent years there’s been an increase in calls to legalize prostitution.

Some people argue vehemently against it, but there’s evidence to suggest that the legalization of sex work and prostitution may not only benefit the economy but protect and benefit sex workers themselves. Here’s how.

It Will Reduce Crime

For those in favor of legalizing prostitution, a strong argument is the reduction in crime rates. Soliciting and selling sex are illegal acts in nearly every state of the USA, meaning both customer and proprietor are at risk of arrest and even imprisonment if caught.

This doesn’t stop prostitution. Instead, it means people are given criminal records, jobs are lost, careers are destroyed, and a city’s crime statistics increase. All these could be avoided for a consensual encounter between adults.

It Will Protect Sex Workers

Prostitutes, sex workers, escorts and others in the industry are sadly at a higher risk of physical violence and sexual violence, as well as sexually transmitted disease and infection.

The illegal nature of prostitution means that they are also less likely to seek out help or report that they have been a victim of crime, for fear they may be arrested for their work. Legalizing prostitution means sex workers can get all the help and health care they need without fear of legal reprisal.

It Will Boost the Economy

Sex sells. It’s big business, but while the money made in prostitution might be high, very little trickles back to state coffers. If prostitution were legal and conducted like any other legitimate business, then sex workers would have to declare all earnings and pay tax on them.

Legalizing prostitution also means more financial incentive for sex workers, as more transparency surrounding the business can mean better facilities, unionization, and workers’ rights.

It Means a More Rewarding Experience

The image of the seedy transaction between a man in a car and a woman plucked from the street could be a thing of the past if prostitution were legalized.

Safe facilities and transparent access to both clients and providers, such as those found on, mean sex between consenting adults is more rewarding and comes without the fear of arrest or prosecution.

Forcing sex workers to remain covert doesn’t mean they will no longer remain in the industry. After all, many choose to do such work and find it both lucrative and empowering. Instead, for as long as prostitution is illegal, it means those in the industry are forced underground.

With no way to legally protect sex workers, it means they remain at risk of violence, disease, poverty, and sex trafficking, to name just a few.

By legalizing prostitution, those involved in the industry have much more of a say in how they conduct their business, and this especially impacts women. Female prostitutes on the whole fully support the legalization of their work, as it will give them better access to services and eventually cast off the negative stigma of their jobs.